Interview: Willa


Willa is a singer-songwriter based out of California who has been releasing music since 2020 starting with her single “Tired”. Willa’s latest single “blueprint” contrasts melancholy, introspective lyrics with an upbeat, pop rhythm, and explores how it feels to be a teen navigating heartbreak. Willa’s soulful lyrics tell a story that’s both sad and hopeful, relatable to everyone who has felt a little lost in love. With “blueprint,” singer-songwriter Willa continues to produce an emotional sound with lyrics straight from the heart. “blueprint” is now available for listening on all platforms.

Preview Willa’s Music:

What led to you becoming an artist?

I started writing music when I was twelve years old. I grew up painfully shy but was always humming to myself & dreaming of what it would be like to be on stage or writing music. When I turned 16, I decided to release my first single & was immediately hooked on the feeling of putting music into the world. I then met my current producer & have been in the studio constantly. I would say that I have always been an artist because art truly comes from within, but it wasn’t until the last three years of my life that I have taken my art so seriously. 

What inspires your music?

Music is my therapy. All of my songs come from a place of deep emotion or a story from my life. My music is inspired by how it feels to be a teenager growing up & trying to navigate love & heartache. All of my music comes from a very personal place. 

Who are some of your influences?

I absolutely adore the bittersweet tone & writing of Sabrina Carpenter but I also take great inspiration from other female artists like Lennon Stella, Maisie Peters, Norah Jones, Adele & Phoebe Bridgers. But I grew up being utterly obsessed with Katy Perry & Lady Gaga. There are so many incredible female musicians but those are a few that I really look up to. 

What are some of your favorite memories from your career?

I will always remember when I first set foot into a professional recording studio. Prior to that, I had been recording my music in my friend’s closet, singing into a mic covered with a sock. I realized the first moment I began to record professionally that no matter what happened after that, I was already living the life that younger me had dreamed of for years. It truly was a dream come true. I felt immediately at home. But besides that, just meeting so many genius artists & co-writers has been so memorable. I will cherish these relationships for the rest of my life. 

What have been some of the greatest challenges of your career?

I am my own worst critic. Quite honestly, there have been times where I wanted to quit altogether because I felt like I wasn’t good enough or talented enough to call myself an artist. I had a hard time in the beginning tuning out the judgment from others & also from my own self. After sitting in that space for far too long, I had a breakthrough realizing that we are all artists at our centers, including myself, & we all bring something different to the table. My biggest hurdle thus far was getting over my fears when it came to my music. Self-doubt can get the best of us sometimes but once we learn to conquer that feeling, any of us can be unstoppable.

Which of your songs/eps or albums is your favorite? Why is it your favorite?

My latest single “blueprint” is definitely my favorite of my released songs. It came from a very personal & vulnerable place. I was fresh out of a relationship & wasn’t sure how to cope. The concept of having a blueprint for breakups was something I longed for when I felt lost. So I wrote my own blueprint - & the real truth of it is, there isn’t one. I learned through writing that song that there is no proper way to handle heartbreak. The only way to get through it is to get through it. That song was a massive therapy session for me but I loved every second of creating it. It was truly a healing process & I hope it reaches those who might also be going through a hard time with love & the loss of love. 

Who are some of the collaborators who helped you create your favorite work?

I have been blessed to work with such beautifully talented artists. My first professional producer, Jonathan, poured into me & my first single “Bonnie & Clyde” with so much creativity & musical intelligence. He truly transformed that song from a simple, jazzy ballad into a symphony & I am forever grateful for him. My newest single “blueprint” was co-written & produced with two of my favorite guys in the world. Working with them has been such a turning point for me in my art & creative process. They have taught me so much about music, about this industry & about being authentic as an artist. I look up to them in so many ways & their talent shines brightly throughout this song as they put their hands on it. Brighton & Davey, thank you for your belief in me & for pouring your hearts into this project. 

What are you most excited to bring to your fans in the next year?

I’m happy to announce that I am writing an album!! I have always wanted to release an album & I am so overjoyed to say that that dream is finally coming true. I have been in the studio most of my days writing & writing & writing. Davey & Brighton, who collaborated with me on “blueprint,” are also working on this next project with me. I hope to be performing more & releasing as much music as your ears can take from me. This album is so special & I cannot wait to release it into the world. 

What are your goals for this upcoming year?

My goal this coming year is to grow in my identity as an artist & create as much as possible. I believe the best way to grow myself in my artistry is to create. Making music is my greatest passion & joy & I want to put my all into my music this next year. It has been my dream my whole life & I believe I owe it to myself to pursue it. This will be a year filled with more songs, more shows & more dreams realized. 

How can your fans best support you right now?

It would mean the world to me if you would listen to my latest single “blueprint''! I am so incredibly proud of the song & it is so special to me in so many ways. That form of support would be incredible & I cannot wait to hear what you all think of the song! Go stream!

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