Interview: Von Mikel


Imagine living in a house in the  middle of the forest. Breathing the calm of a place not yet conquered by the lights and the relentless engines of the big city. But also facing the challenges that involve being alone and the melancholy of feeling incomplete. This is the context in which the first album of LA-based artist Von Mikel was produced, whose conclusion and mantra is to enjoy and appreciate the little big things of life.

What led to you becoming an artist?

Making music and writing songs has been one of the only things I’ve ever done without any outside pressure, also writing songs has played the role of almost being my psychologist. My lyrics can be very personal and tell what I’ve gone through in my life, tough I wanna depart from that and explore other subjetcs and lyric writing styles. I guess I never said “I’m going to be an artist” but rather it has been a very natural, almost involuntary process.

What inspires your music?

Pain and nostalgia mostly, I’m trying to change that for joy and fun. I feel that in a future album I’ll dive much deeper into rhythm as my main composition tool.

Who are some of your influences?

From pink floyd, to radiohead to tame impala and marc demarco. I listen to many genres of music, but I guess my core genre would be rock…since I’ve explored many rock related genres like pop rock, folk rock, indie rock, electro rock, etc.

What are some of your favorite memories from your career?

While my time at Berklee, someone invited us to play a show at a Harvard party. We really got the crowd’s attention and we killed it, it was definitely a great show. 

Usually the shows where I’ve been relaxed and in the moment have been the ones that I remember more fondly.

What have been some of the greatest challenges of your career?

Finding myself as an artist and why i do what i do, dealing with failure and disappointment, being present while playing on stage, understanding the power of music and its healing/cathartic properties on people and on myself 

Which of your songs/eps or albums is your favorite? Why is it your favorite?

Alexis, its fun and full of textures, and some good o’l rapping, love hip hop. Also the track “Bésame Suave”, I love the drumbeat and how it works with the bass. Definitely some direct inspiration from David Bowie’s “Girl Loves Me” 

Who are some of the collaborators who helped you create your favorite work?

We’ll definitely my friends from Boca Paila, specifically Moe Paláu for vocals, Dominic Virgen for guitars Javier Arrivillaga for keyboards… Alexis Rodriguez for the masters of course.

What are you most excited to bring to your fans in the next year?

A live act that’ll make you drop your pants

What are your goals for this upcoming year?

Playing, playing, playing, fun, fun, fun

How can your fans best support you right now?

Just stream the heck out of my new releases!

Von Mikel’s Links:


