Interview: Lori Dorfman


Lori Dorfman (AKA Tomboy With Earrings) has worked for the last 20 years to build a dynamic and powerful career as an artist. She is a musician, poet and actor. Her independent EP release, Run Away, was recorded and produced entirely in her apartment in Silver Lake, Los Angeles. Recently, her poetry was published in Griffel Literary Magazine, Luna Arcana Arts & Cultural Print Journal, and has a forthcoming publication in the first issue of Direct Object. Her Self Portrait photography was published in The Evocations Review. As an actor, she has worked with Sebastian Lelio, Aaron Sorkin, Paul Thomas Anderson, and so many more. Lori was recently featured in VoyageLA’s ‘Shoutout LA’ series.


What led to you becoming an artist?

I don’t think that anything led me to becoming an artist. I think this is the way I was born. I was created to do this work. If I had chosen to do anything else with my life, it would have been a lie, and, I guess that’s what led me to actualizing my work as an artist, is wanting to live in my truth and freedom.

What inspires your music?

Love. That’s the only thing that ever inspired me to write and compose. Having love and nowhere to put it. Having words that don’t want to be heard. The process gives you an out where circumstances and relationships give you a dead end. 

Who are some of your influences?

I grew up listening to KRTH 101 (101.1fm in Los Angeles) which at the time played real ‘oldies.’ all I listened to was music from the ’50s and ’60s. And I always loved broadway music. In high school, one of my classmates burned me a copy of Incubus’ Morning View, and that changed me forever. Up until that point I was really just like a bumpkin, but that record really turned me on. Suddenly the circuit board was all lit up. Also, my dad used to blast ‘Sgt. Peppers’ on Sunday mornings, and that’s another moment where I came alive on the inside - I was probably 6 years old.

What are some of your favorite memories from your career?

My favorite memories are the moments where I’ve been the most present, like, ultra-present in my own intimacy and ultra accepting of the other people in the room. These are moments of immense bravery and transcendence. And anytime I got to do what I love with my closest friends. Those are also the most fun times. 

What have been some of the greatest challenges of your career?

Some of the greatest challenges I’ve had have been navigating self-doubt and self-sabotage. There was a time where I really had to step back and look at all the ways I was distracting myself from the work that I really wanted to do. And it was everything from having a job I hated, to being in the wrong relationships, attracted to the wrong people, putting energy into the wrong friendships. It was such a long and difficult road to unravel all of that just to get to me. Just me, without distractions. 

Which of your songs/eps or albums is your favorite? Why is it your favorite?

I don’t have a favorite, I love everything I do, I don’t think about picking favorites, it’s so much more about process and execution. I’m sure as my body of work grows I will have favorites.

What are you most excited to bring to your fans in the next year?

I’m doing a huge amount of traveling and road tripping in the next few months. I feel a lot of whatever is coming next is going to come out during that time. So, I’m excited to bring to the world whatever is unearthed as a result of these new environments.

What are your goals for this upcoming year?

My goals are to continue to build my work in a really powerful way, that’s both joyous and lucrative - you know? Money would be great. 

How can your fans best support you right now?

You can buy my record on Bandcamp, and you can buy my artwork on my website.

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