Interview: Garrett Arreguin on His Art and New Streetwear Brand ANTI CULT


Garrett Arreguin, also known by the moniker ‘GRAFIK’ is a Creative Director and designer originating from Orange County, Ca. In 2017, GRAFIK joined with Universal Music Group / Interscope Records as a contracted Art Director, creating cover art for various recording artists such as Machine Gun Kelly, LILHUDDY, King Lil G, and Lil Poppa, to list a few. Aside from working as an art director and digital designer, Garrett is the CEO and Founder of the ANTI CULT brand based out of Southern California.

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What are some of your favorite records, and how have they influenced your work?

I gained tons of influence from various artists growing up, everything from Cypress Hill’s album art to Korn, Iron Maiden, and NWA to name a few.
My dad was always into music and had tons of CDs, sometimes I would look through his collection just to skim through the album booklets. A common denominator between some of my favorites like Korn’s ‘Follow The Leader’ created by Todd McFarlane, Greg Capullo, Brian Haberlin, and Brent Ashe and Cypress Hill’s ’Stoned Raiders’ created by Mister Cartoon is that they were illustrated drawings with darker imagery in which I’ve always been a fan of.

You have created album artwork for Machine Gun Kelly, King Lil G, Scoop Deville, and have become a contracted artistic director for Interscope and UMG. How did you start working with some of the major names and companies in the industry?

The short answer is I always stayed the course and focused on the direction I wanted my work to go. Over the years, I've met a lot of great people who have played a significant role in my success as an artist by either hiring me to work for their company or have represented me to others, which inevitably helps my portfolio and network to grow stronger. I've always hated when people claim to do things on their own, disregarding others or stating that they are "self-made" when in reality, it takes an army for significant success. To date, I've created about 8 different single covers for MGK and although I spent the time working on them, the one who made it happen was Vincenza Conticchio at Interscope. Vincenza's consideration of my work has allowed me to work with some amazing artists.

You started your new streetwear brand, ANTI CULT, after the passing of your friend and collaborator Maudell “FXXXXY” Watkins. How does he and his legacy influence the brand?

Yea, I took his loss pretty tough, our relationship was focused on music, humor, and accomplishments. I worked by his side the 3 in-a-half years I knew him, helping to build his brand and creating the visuals for his cover art.
When he had passed, I saw certain people turn into opportunists and had completely disregarded a large portion of what was being built so I took the frustration from that and pushed it towards my own creative output and re-routed myself towards something that I can dedicate time to. The ANTI CULT.

The slogan of your new streetwear brand, ANTI CULT, is ‘We’re Not Into What They Do.’ It reads as a push against pop culture and towards individuality but tell us more about the true meaning of the slogan and how it came to be.

ANTI CULT is geared towards individual empowerment that’s driven by the idea of not being accepting of failure, refusing to settle, and not being distracted by what others are doing. What works for the next person, might not work for you, so figure it out. That was the initial concept, I wanted to create a brand that I could relate to and speak to others who can relate as well. Whether you’re an artist trying to work your way in the music industry or a director who wants to make a movie, the idea applies to the process. “We’re Not Into What They Do” in other words is “Work With Blinders On”, stay clear of distractions that take you away from YOUR goals.

At the moment, ANTI CULT offers t-shirts, hoodies, and crewnecks featuring a minimalist display of the logo. Do you have intentions to expand to other types of apparel, i.e., shoes, hats, etc.?

Yes, as of now, one of my short-term goals is within the next 2 years to have it showcased at a trade show. For the past 10 years (minus 2020) I’ve attended expos and each time I’d think of how it must feel to build something from an idea to then see it displayed in a showroom. When I started the brand, the idea was to create a few pieces that will allow me to develop content and brand awareness and from there branch out into a variety of products. I will definitely create more items than what’s currently available.

How can people interested in your work best support you?

If anyone wants to show some love, they can check me out on Instagram @garrettarreguin as well as my brand @theanticult. I also have a curated Spotify playlist entitled 'For The Record' by Garrett Arreguin which showcases various singles and albums I've created artwork for.

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See the playlist of Garrett’s work below!