Interview: Oona Kapari


Oona Kapari is a Finnish indie artist and an experienced music producer and mixing engineer. She founded her record label Kuohu Records as a home for equality, and artistically free pop music.

PC: Jirina Alanko

PC: Jirina Alanko

What led to you becoming an artist?

I’ve always performed, my whole life, in all school plays and family celebrations. So I think I've always been an artist in my heart, but it took me quite a while to become a professional one. I was a producer and sound engineer for over 10 years before my album was finished, and it was just a matter of being distracted a lot, I guess. I think it was good for me though to grow as a producer with other people's songs first.

What inspires your music?

I love sounds. All kinds of ear candy. I love deep and insightful lyrics too. Nothing compares to a good rhyme in a sweet soundscape.

Who are some of your influences?

I have a lot of influences. From jazz to art-pop. But it’s always albums, not artists. To name a few: Diamonds and Pearls by Prince, the Köln Concert by Keth Jarret, St. Elsewhere by Gnarls Barkley, Parachutes by Coldplay, All For You by Diana Krall, Ceremonials by Florence + the Machine, Vespertine by Björk, and my new favorite Compliments Please by Self Esteem.

What are some of your favorite memories from your career?

As an artist, I love it when I hear someone doing a cover of my song. It feels amazing! I didn’t get to tour with my first album that came out in 2020, so warm memories from gigs are yet to come! I really love touring and can’t wait to get to it! As a producer, though I have to say spending a week at a Mix With the Master’s seminar in France was a definite highlight. I got a lot of warm memories from that trip.

What have been some of the greatest challenges of your career?

I think my greatest challenge is to stay focused. I get so excited about everything, I need to remind myself to keep my eye on the ball. It took me 10 years to finish my first album because of that. Now I understand the importance of my own creations and the need to organize time for them.

Which of your songs/eps or albums is your favorite? Why is it your favorite?

I really love the song Aurinko ja Maa (Sun and Earth) from my album. I loved doing a duet and I feel that the story is an important one. It’s a story about being tired, which we all are these days. But more importantly, the message is that we all have a burden. My burden is a part of me and I don’t exist without it. I wouldn’t let it go. It makes me who I am.

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What are you most excited to bring to your fans in the next year?

Oh, I’m so excited about the new music!!! This year I’m releasing amazing music from talented female artists and producers from my label Kuohu Records and next year I’ll start releasing singles from my second album! I’m writing about female strength and power that comes from empathy and emotion. Can not wait to share it!

What are your goals for this upcoming year?

My goal is to live my life. To me, that means making music, playing it live, connecting with people. In music and in my personal life. To love and to be loved.

How can your fans best support you right now?

The best way to support me and all musicians of the world is to buy music! My album is available on Spotify and iTunes and all those places. And there is a CD too, that you can buy. DM me for details! Also, I do spend a lot of time on Instagram, so please join me there!

PC: Jirina Alanko

PC: Jirina Alanko

PC: Jirina Alanko

PC: Jirina Alanko

PC: Sanna Paajanen

PC: Sanna Paajanen