Interview: Sergio Torres-Letelier


Sergio Torres-Letelier is a Chilean born Composer, arranger and producer, currently located in Los Angeles, CA. Since 2015 Sergio has written and produced original music for more than 15 audiovisual projects. Among them are features films, short films, micro shorts, digital series as well as commercial music for websites and TV ads.

The majority of the films he has worked  and collaborated on have  been selected and won awards internationally. He has also produced and arrange music for artists from South America, Europe and the United States. His latest original score for the feature film “Sophie’s Rules” will be released during 2023.

He is currently working on the short film “La Bruja” by director/writer/producer Alex Villarreal (AFI) that focus on Latin surrealism and heritage form the point of view of a innocent  immigrant kid named Pablito.

Sergio has also acted as executive producer coordinating several projects post-production  focusing in music and sound. To better organize his efforts as composer and music producer  Sergio cofounded Two Doors Entertainment, a boutique company that focus in music production for film and emerging artists as well as sound for films.

Sergio has been an active supporter of emerging  voices in Los Angeles, CA. Helping them reach deals or stages at many venues. For this reason Sergio created  Towers Agency as a platform that offers  digital music marketing  for emerging artists as well as booking and performance opportunities.  

Sergio has also worked supporting Chilean and south American identity through music in collaboration with the Chilean Embassy and consulate in Washington DC and Los Angeles, CA as well as with the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles. Crafting programs and seminars as well as opening spaces for Latin artists to gather and expand their network. 

In his support and efforts to promote music for film and educate about the role of a film composer, Sergio has given several Masterclasses and talks in elementary schools, colleges as well as film festivals. Sergio has served for 3 years as a jury on the FECILS (Festival Internacional de cine de La Serena) the second most important film festival in Chile.

Preview His Work:

You’ve been writing and producing music for audio visual works for about 7 years now. Over time how has your approach to making the music for these projects changed?

I definitely gain more confidence in my craft, my process, and voice but the thing that changed the most is how  I relate to the the director/producer. I spend several days if not weeks talking about concepts, listening to his/her ideas and vision, even getting a sense of how they work, their flow, their expectations and getting a full sense of their project. This has helped me to write more practically and efficiently, most times, even more creatively. 

What is your favorite stage of the workflow when scoring music for a project?

The most challenging one! the very begging, understanding their ideas, concepts, getting to know them as artists and how can I collaborate and support their vision. I must say that It does feels amazing when I’m already writing and things are moving forward, of course if all the tech side of things allows it LOL. 

You recently created the score for a feature film, “Sophie’s Rules.” What is your elevator pitch for why we should be excited for this film to release?

Mental health, the whole film is surrounded by it, I think in this time and day is an issue we have left on the side, and I’m glad I was able to join Maritza Brikisak’s team (Writer, producer, Director and Actress) and her efforts to depict this reality. 

You’ve worked with some organizations like the Chilean Embassy, to make programs and seminars for Latin artists. What have been some of the most impactful experiences that you’ve been able to curate?

Just recently I helped organized an official visit of the Chilean President Gabriel Boric to California. I was contacted by the General Consul in LA and we arrange a meet and greet for the chilean artistic community based in LA with the President. 

The Chilean Embassy supported a project of mine that showcased different chilean artists living in the US and is still working today, we have been able to portrait many artists and their work from varied disciplines. 

Both were a huge milestone for me as I’m committed to support and create community among not only chilean but latin artists.

What can you tell us about the work that you’ve done with Towers Agency? What can artists expect when working with you?

Towers Agency is a place where emerging musicians can find help. 

From a stage to perform, to music marketing for their projects. 

They can expect to be treated honestly and fair, as well as a place to further understand their careers and their opportunities. 

As a founder and cofounder of two separate companies on top of all of the other work you do, how have you come to find balance in your life despite such an ambitious work load?

I actually created both companies (Two Doors Entertainment & Towers Agency) to better organize my life. Before it was all over the place responding to several emails and calls regarding films, cultural events, venues, talks and shows, it was too much. 

Both companies helped me to put things in place and to be more practical and aware of the service I’m providing and to what extent. Now I can even go surfing on a Tuesday Morning. 

Who are some of the collaborators who helped you create your favorite work?

By Far, Feri Gutierrez who Is also the co-founder of Two Doors Entertainment and an amazing sound designer and mixer engineer. His constant support and talent has helped me become a better artists. 

Isaku Kageyama with his constant support and tech knowledge.

Jessica Killam, as a film producer was the first person to give me a chance to score a film.

Jennifer Potts who I have collaborated many times even when I was in college she trusted me and Feri our first film ever! She is incredible creative, fun to work with and has allowed me to continue to become an artist every single day. 

I must say that every single  Director and producer who has put their trust on me and helped me achieve music that I wasn’t even aware I was able to write. 

Sergio Torres-Letelier’s Links: