Interview: Wonuola


Wonuola is a Portuguese-Nigerian singer/songwriter based in Munich, Germany.

Her first single, “On Your Mind,” is the embodiment of her style, but she has much more to offer like her last released song, “Shakara,” an Afro RnB song in the style of her birth country, Nigeria.

With the stage as her home and her voice as the message, she plans to reach as many people as possible and give the comfort needed in any situation.

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What led to you becoming an artist?

I’ve always had an artistic side. I grew up dancing ballet to HipHop, drawing in so many different styles and, of course, music. Music has been there all my life, in all kinds of situations. Especially in the bad ones. I just always knew it was my calling.

What inspires your music?

Well, first of all, my main goal in life when it comes to music is for someone to one day tell me they felt less alone due to my music. That I somehow helped through dark times or felt heard and understood.

So my inspiration comes from the outside world, stories and feelings I’m told and can often relate to myself. But it also comes from my personal experience as well.

Who are some of your influences?

My main influence in life is definitely my mom. I’ve only come this far because of her and her will and passion for living life to the fullest with no regrets. I aspire to be like that in my personal life and musicality.

Musical influence comes from her as well. I grew up listening to Metallica, Scorpions, Reamonn, and Guns N’ Roses. Not really the genre that I work with, haha. But there were lots of Anita Baker, Tina Turner, Whitney Houston, and Aretha Franklin. Voices that definitely influenced my music style.

What are some of your favorite memories from your career?

My very, very first single being dropped at midnight, and almost immediately seeing the support I was getting from family and friends. It was the first step into an unknown world, and I was so excited but also nervous, and my anxiety was over the roof about what people were going to say or maybe not even say.

My first performance was also quite memorable. I was so nervous about going on that little platform and choking up because I would forget how to breathe. But the moment the first song started, I just knew I was home, and this was what I was made for.

What have been some of the greatest challenges of your career?

The start of my career was quite enjoyable; I had good people around me who were supporting my every move and wants. My depression started kicking in by the end of 2020, and I was scared of going out or making music. All the songs I wrote were what I now consider concerning but then necessary. I don’t really speak about my feelings, so I don't even know what I feel most of the time, and that’s how I helped and showed myself that I wasn't doing good. The fact that some of my closest friends couldn’t deal with my then state and felt me when I felt like I needed them most made me feel like there was no meaning to my music. That’s also the main reason why it took me so long to drop my third single, “Shakara.” I have so many songs but have become even more self-critical, so it takes quite some time for me to feel slightly satisfied now.

Which of your songs/eps or albums is your favorite? Why is it your favorite?

My favorite released song has got to be “On your mind.” It’s my favorite genre to sing, and I feel very powerful and sexy singing it on stage.

From my unreleased songs, it’s gotta be “Waterfall.” It’s a song that I decided to collab with one of my favorite people in the whole world, Mr. marlonhil, a very talented artist and one of the main reasons I make music. The beat was made by one of my close friends as well, Flowzy, so it has a very big significance to me, so stay tuned to its release.

Who are some of the collaborators who helped you create your favorite work?

Like I said before, marlonhil is the one that helps me the most. I really do care and admire him so much. He’s been involved with music all his life, just like me. He’s a genius. 

He and his crew, ArOza Crew, make such good music, and lots of their beats are made by marlonhil. He produces, mixes, and masters their and my songs. I’ve only ever recorded at his studio and he makes all the cleaning and finishing touches to my songs. 

Our harmony in the studio is crazy. Before me, all he did was Trap or Boombap, so mixing and mastering my songs was a new challenge for him. He does a lot for me, and I’m forever grateful to him. There isn’t a thing he can’t do and won’t do to help himself and especially others.

Like I said, a genius.

What are you most excited to bring to your fans in the next year?

I feel like my new songs are more “meaningful.” They are often from my own perspective. They are much slower and deeper, so they should be perfect for the upcoming Fall and Winter.

I’m also gonna be dropping a few  “dancing” songs, as my mom like to call them.

What are your goals for this upcoming year?

I wanna release as many songs as possible. I couldn’t before because of my mental state and lack of time because I was still in school. Now I’m more than ready to really show everyone what I’ve been preparing with so much care. I hope to be able to perform lots as well. Who knows, maybe getting booked in a different city or country. That would be amazing.

How can your fans best support you right now?

Just keep streaming and sharing my songs. Especially the new upcoming ones.

Spread the word about ya girl so she can get more recognition, haha.

Oh, and don’t be shy about DM’s. I often get told by some people how they wanted to congratulate me but were too shy or scared to send me a message. I love interacting and hearing opinions; I’ve gotten very good constructive criticism, which helped a lot.

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