Interview: Gilska


Born in London to Sri Lankan parents, Gilska was immersed in classical training until she diverged and dove into darker waters, finding her niche in edgy pop anthems. Partnering with Mört, her producer, Gilska composes deceptively innocent dance beats laced through with shadowy undertones that offer her listeners a melancholic pop experience. With her sophisticated lyrics and vocals, it won’t be long before her music captivates you, mind and soul.

Preview Gilska’s Music:

What led to you becoming an artist?

I have always been immersed in music from a very young age. My grandpa was a famous pop star in his youth in Sri Lanka, so you could say it runs in my DNA. I just remember also watching musicals like My fair lady and the sound of music and imitating the singers. I was classically trained and I studied musical theater growing up. I remember on MTV they would play music videos non-stop and I was obsessed with all the singers. But my initial influencers to get me into pop singing were Aretha Franklin, Mariah Carey, and Whitney Houston.

What inspires your music?

Songwriting on the piano is my escape. I take inspiration from my personal life and I use songwriting to reflect and actualize what I’ve been going through like a form of therapy. However I also love dancing and I want my music to not only transport my listeners into a moody, melancholic atmosphere but I want it to get them on their feet.  

Who are some of your influences?

The Weeknd, Lana del Rey, Tove lo, Raye 

What are some of your favorite memories from your career?

Songwriting and singing bring me a lot of joy and I also love performing which completes the package. I’ve performed in many venues but the best venue I performed in has got to be Wembley stadium. I got to be a part of Voice in a million from 2015-2017. And I’ve also loved seeing the incredible support I’ve received from friends and fans for my debut single ‘Fantasy’ and 2nd release ‘All out of Tears’. 

What have been some of the greatest challenges of your career?

I’d say it wasn’t necessarily a challenge but finding my specific sound in terms of production and vocal style felt like a tug of war and it was a slow process. However, discovering it was definitely worth it and I couldn’t be more proud of what my producer and I have been creating. It feels like magic when we crack a song and know its intention.   

Which of your songs/eps or albums is your favorite? Why is it your favorite?

This is a super tough question to answer but if I had to choose out of the two songs I would say Fantasy as it was my first, and it feels special to me almost like my baby. I will never forget the nerves and the excitement I felt before I released the song and then the overwhelming amount of love I received once I released it. 

Who are some of the collaborators who helped you create your favorite work?

My producer Morten Jepsen has been instrumental in the collaboration of creating my songs and bringing them to life. Finding my niche and discovering the sound I’ve wanted to create has been an extremely organic and exciting process with him and we’ve got to the point where he knows what I like and it comes naturally!

What are you most excited to bring to your fans in the next year?

Currently, I have about 10 songs in the running ready to be released over the next year, which I’m super excited to be releasing. I will also start gigging towards the end of the year so definitely keep your eyes peeled! 

What are your goals for this upcoming year?

My goals for this upcoming year are to release more new music, get more gigs lined up, and share my music with a wider audience!

How can your fans best support you right now?

Continue to support me by listening to and sharing my music (don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @gilskamusic): Fantasy and All out of Tears and watch out for my next single that is coming out in August! 

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