Interview: Dante Lacroix


My name is Daniel but people call me Dante. I am a music producer from Mexico City. I moved to LA when I was 20 years old to study music. In 2012 I moved to Boston and got a degree in Sound Design from Berklee College Of Music. After graduation, I moved back to LA where I have been working as a live sound engineer and music producer/composer for Film/TV and independent artists. 

My music has been placed in 50+ TV shows some of them include: HBO’s Vice, Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Queer Eye, Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted, and many more. 

Dante Lacroix is my creative outlet, I am looking forward to sharing my latest work with the world.

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What led to you becoming an artist?

My interest in music came at an early age. I picked up the drum set when I was 10. I learned to play in the school’s band by playing popular songs by The Beatles, Metallica, Elton John, etc.

After that, I had a natural need to create and understand music in a deeper way, which led me to get into music production later on.

What inspires your music?

My own personal experiences. I’ve found that road trips, happy or sad experiences in my life inspire me to write music. I try to make music that makes you feel good when you need it. If you’re sad if you’re happy. And technically, I try to test my own abilities constantly, and sometimes my music can come out a little bit too experimental. Hence, I always try to grasp pop structures, adding a little bit of coherence to my experiments. 

Who are some of your influences?

Coming from a rock background, I grew up listening to metal, which evolved into Jazz and prog rock, leading to more experimental/electronic music. So my music is mainly electronic, but it has a powerful rock influence. I want to make music that reminds you of Pink Floyd and Daft Punk at the same time. 

What are some of your favorite memories from your career?

At this point, I’ve got to work with almost all of my favorite drummers of all time; I work in the live music industry, so I get to see a lot of incredible musicians, and I’ve been lucky enough to have worked with some of my idols.

What have been some of the greatest challenges of your career?

As an immigrant, in this current time, it’s been incredibly hard to legally stay in the US. Every year it’s like you have to find an oxygen tank before you run out of air and become an “illegal alien” as they call us. The past 6 years living in LA I’ve had to work very hard to find financial stability doing what I love while at the same time juggling my artistic career which, in the end, moves slowly but it’s always there.

Which of your songs/eps or albums is your favorite? Why is it your favorite?

My favorite song is a song called “7”, I love that song because it’s very heavy but also very electronic and different from the rest. The song is a very accurate way of describing what I am trying to do creatively. To see what I mean you’ll need to catch me playing live because that song has been removed from my platforms as I will re-release it in the future.

What are you most excited to bring to your fans in the next year?

Many releases and shows! I’ve been holding on to a couple of songs I will be releasing in the future and working on a new show playing new and old releases.

What are your goals for this upcoming year?

I want to put my music out there and share it with as many people as possible. Solidify my audience.  Hopefully, they can connect with my work, and hopefully they can come to see a show live!

Dante’s Links:

Angel Alexis Rodriguez